Friday, 28 September 2007

back to your regularly scheduled programming

organisation!, originally uploaded by spugmeistress.

helloo, am back from careforce con, which was ace *waves to new careforce friends*

as you can see, i went to hobbycraft last night and did a bit of shopping - some shiny new boxes into which i have spent most of the day sorting all my shiny new hama bead colours. got a request for a special variant legend of zelda: ocarina of time heart necklace whilst i was away so have been testing out my new translucent colours too. i think the translucence, like with my pixelblocks, makes them look more pixelly - since the pixels on your screen are primarily made up of light anyway. we'll see though :)

in other news, i've been accepted for a stall on the manchester craft mafia market days at urbis, i'm doing mine on december 1st, but they have one on in november as well, and there promises to be craft workshops and all sort of cool stalls there, so that'll be fun! my first market - i'm a bit nervous!

and now for something completely different: sega have announced that samba di amigo is coming to wii! woo! i am stupidly excited about this :D